B.O. (body odor) - CC (cheiro corporal)
Body odor, usually caused by sweating; an unpleasant smell coming from the human body.
Body odor, usually caused by sweating; an unpleasant smell coming from the human body.
(Cheiro do corpo, geralmente causado pelo suor, um cheiro desagradável proveniente do corpo humano.)
The taxi driver had such horrible b.o. that I almost passed out.
The taxi driver had such horrible b.o. that I almost passed out.
(O taxista tinha tão terrível cc que eu quase desmaiei.)
Man, you've got to do something about your b.o. Have you ever taken a shower?
Man, you've got to do something about your b.o. Have you ever taken a shower?
(Cara, você tem que fazer algo sobre seu cc. Você já tomou um banho?)
Abbreviation of 'body odor'.
Abbreviation of 'body odor'.
(Abreviação de "body odor" - cheiro de corpo)
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