To spend a large amount of money, especially on things that are not really necessary.
To spend a large amount of money, especially on things that are not really necessary.
(Gastar uma grande quantia de dinheiro, especialmente sobre as coisas que não são realmente necessários.)
When I got paid, I blew it all on a night out.
When I got paid, I blew it all on a night out.
(Quando eu recebi meu salário, eu o torrei tudo numa noitada.)
Don't blow all your money in that one store - there are five more down the road.
Don't blow all your money in that one store - there are five more down the road.
(Não gaste todo seu dinheiro naquela loja - há mais cinco lojas logo abaixo.)
use up money, spend, waste, pay out, squander
save, spare
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