Drunk; intoxicated, especially after smoking marijuana; in a dazed state, resulting from drug consumption.
Drunk; intoxicated, especially after smoking marijuana; in a dazed state, resulting from drug consumption.
(Bêbado; intoxicado, especialmente depois de fumar maconha, em um estado de confusão, resultantes do consumo de drogas.)
I think Mary Jane was pretty baked last night - her eyes were bright red, and she sat in front of the television for six hours straight without moving.
I think Mary Jane was pretty baked last night - her eyes were bright red, and she sat in front of the television for six hours straight without moving.
(Acho que Mary Jane estava muito drogada ou bêbada na noite passada - seus olhos estavam vermelhos brilhantes, e ela estava sentada na frente da televisão durante seis horas seguidas sem se mexer.)
To 'bake' means to cook in an oven. After using marijuana, one's brain could be said to be baked - i.e., dried out, hard, lifeless.
To 'bake' means to cook in an oven. After using marijuana, one's brain could be said to be baked - i.e., dried out, hard, lifeless.
('bake' significa para assar em um forno. Depois de usar maconha, um cérebro poderia ser dito para ser cozido ou assado - ou seja, seco, duro, sem vida.)
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