Veja este do site da ESPN americano.. é triste e até ofensivo ver um americano falando tão duro sobre o Brasil. Espero que nem tudo seja verdade!
Pedro Kirilos/LatinContent/Getty Images
Aerial view of Rio's Maracana Stadium with the statue of Christ the Redeemer at the center - a day after the International Olympic Committee awarded the 2016 Summer Games to the city, on Oct. 3, 2009.
RIO DE JANEIRO — A white cross rising above the Macacos slum marks the spot where people are burned alive. A starving horse, his ribs poking out, is hitched close by with a thin rope. A nearby soccer field is dotted with pieces of melted rubber. No games are played here. The Amigos dos Amigos gang that runs this favela has a ritual: Members stack tires around their enemies, pour in gasoline and light the tires on fire. This is called microwaving. Black smoke rises into the air. At a school down the hill, near the famous soccer stadium where the 2016 Olympic opening ceremonies will be held, the students hear the screams and cover their ears.
This is Rio in real life.
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