To be nervous or anxious or jumpy; to be unable to sit still.
To be nervous or anxious or jumpy; to be unable to sit still.
(Ser nervosa ou ansiosa ou nervosa, de ser incapaz de se sentar e ficar quieta.)
The children had ants in their pants, so we took them outside for some exercise.
The children had ants in their pants, so we took them outside for some exercise.
(As crianças estavam inquietas, então nós as levamos para fora para fazerem algum exercício.)
Would you please stop tapping your foot?! You must have ants in your pants!
Would you please stop tapping your foot?! You must have ants in your pants!
(Você poderia parar de bater o pé? Você deve ter formigas na bunda!)
If you have 'ants' (small insects) in your 'pants' (clothing) you would probably feel like jumping around.
If you have 'ants' (small insects) in your 'pants' (clothing) you would probably feel like jumping around.
(Se você tiver 'formigas' (pequenos insetos) em sua "calça" (roupa), você provavelmente sentiria vontade de ficar pulando.)
antsy, very nervous, worried or unpleasantly excited
antsy, very nervous, worried or unpleasantly excited
(impaciente, muito nervoso, preocupado ou desagradavelmente agitada)
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