
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

# 2 - Slang of the Day - "Ace"

To do something very well, particularly an examination (verb); first-rate (adjective), or an expert (noun).
(Fazer algo muito bem, especialmente em um exame (verbo); de primeira, extremamente bom (adjetivo), ou um perito (substantivo).)

I'm going to ace this exam - I've been studying all week!
(Eu vou gabaritar esta prova - Tenho estudando a semana toda!)
Lois Lane was the ace reporter for The Daily Planet - although she did have a lot of trouble uncovering Superman's identity!
(Lois Lane era a excelente repórter do The Daily Planet  - embora ela tivesse um monte de problemas para descobrir a identidade do Super-Homem!)

In World War I, a pilot who shot down five enemy planes was called an 'ace', which is the powerful one card in a deck of playing cards. 'Ace' can be used as a verb (to do well) or as an adjective (excellent, best) or as a noun (a nickname for someone who is good at something, or for a good friend).
(Na Primeira Guerra Mundial, um piloto que abatia cinco aviões inimigo era chamado de "ace", que é o carta mais poderosa em um baralho.)

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